Sunday, 30 October 2011

New and Emerging technologies

New and Emerging technologies
I am going to be talking about new and upcoimg technologies then i will be talking about what different companies and their visions for the future. I also will be looking at new technologies that are available for purchase that have just been released. Iwill be looking at the three main technology advancing companies these companies are listed below:
  • Microsoft
  • Apple
  • Google
First of all i will be going into depth with what microsoft have started with. Billgates the founder of microsoft created the first operating system for a computer it was formally known as windows or microsoft windows. The first operating system was a plain blue and have a very good display for the colour and digital graphics in that year which the first operating system was released on november 1985 since then microsoft has made huge investments and has made a number of diffenent operating systems which are getting more and more advanced every two years the newest operating system that has been released from microsoft was windows but in febuary 2012 they plan to release windows 8 just after the christmas sales it has changed dramatically as they have may more advanced technology as they make the whole system smaller yet it does more than the bigger system.

Windows 8 will completly change the whole opeating systems it will have a feature that will alloy the user to touch the monitor and this will be replacing the keyboard and the mouse it will also have sound recognition that will allow the user to say words that will apper in the word and publisher documents but this is still under development it will also recognise the users vides and will be able to record short cuts so wen the user says a specific code word it will open a programme or ewhat ever you have the shortcut linked to. In the future Microsoft have a dream. A dream that will change complety the way that all users are able to use computers there will be no monitors and there will be no power it is all on a small piece of plastic that uses visual and very sensitive touch calibration to user and control a virtual projected computer from 1 up to six display tablets and it is 100% touch screen as seen by the image on the right

This will have a big impact on the way every one uses computers also it will be better for the environment as there will be less emition form the computers and also by changing to the glass or plastic it will save onthe amount of waste materials that are used to make a computer monitor and base. But over all the new futuristic developements that microsoft have installed for us in the future are looking bright and there seems to be no down side to it yet.

Now i will be going into depth with what Apple have started with where they stand now there latest technolgies and what they have in store for us in the future.
Apple was started and founded by a man called steve jobs he started of simple and he started of making operating systems for computers then he move on to bigger ideas his first big hit was the apple Ipod which really grew popular with the larger model which could hold 80gb of space which was later released in 2003 - 2004 and then the i pods have had some major upgrades in looks styles shapes and sizes and also in memory sizes. Below are some examples.

These i pods are all different drafts of the origional which is located above but they all have more and more advanced technology in them even on the ones on the right they ahve even have a camera on it so it can take its own images and videos. How ever The shuffle was the only i pod that had changed dramatically as it had no screen but it was a les popular model as you could not look for the specific song you want because you had to listen through them untill you find it.

Apple has release a number of new products recently and they are all way more advanced than the basic i pod as it has an i pod installed into it one of the lates products that have been released was the New Apple iphone 4s this was the latest piece of technology that was release then steve jobs died this was a tragadie for Apple but they have also released more products aswell like the Apple IPad 2 which is amazing it is completly touch screen and it is just like a portable computer with an ipod attached. Both of these  

newly released technologies are shown on the left and right.
They just show you haw the changes from the basic i pod to what they aheve created now some of the features these include are HD cameras applications Itunes longer batters than ever before and is mainly touch screen. Theay are becoming ever more and more advanced as the years progress. 

In the future i have researched some videos on the internet of some concept ideas that Apple have been looking into the new concepts that are the ilens and the new i ring here is a ling that provides a more illustrated video : but i will also be give an account of what the i lens is and what the i ring is. here are some images that give you an idea of what the new futuristic will look like. The i lens is a device that slots onto your eye more or less it is and computer and an ipad all programmed onto your eye it produces a an adjustable screen that can be set a certain distance away from your eye and it works with interaction holograms. this is just my basic explaination for a more detailed insight wath the link i have provided above. The i lens can work in sync with the ilens and can also provide download storage and it all connects via bluetooth. Both of these ideas will have a major impacts on both the users and other companys aswell as they will be trying to keep up or even beat these companies in there futuristic technologies aswell.

Over view  
I believe that with these new and upcoming technologies that they will help improve the every day life of everyonje they will make certain jobs easier and much more enoyable in the meantime. It will also make the work we do every day easier aswell and i am truly looking foward to the technology in the future and may be being a part of it aswell.    

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