Performance of a computer system
Hard Drive
The Hard drive is the storage of the computer it stores all the soft ware and data. It is mainly a data storage device. Data is magnetically read from and written to the platter by read/write heads that float on a film of air above the platters. The hard drive affects the computer in two ways the first way is in which how much info and data your computer can store the bigger it is the more it can store. The second way it affects the computer is that the more information and data it holds it slows your computer down slightly.
Graphics card
The graphics card connects directly in to the mother boards AGP it is used to proved graphics in the area of designing and images these would mainly be used by gamers to improve the 3D graphics of their games. The graphics card affects the computer in one way and this way is in the display. The better graphics card the better quality of the images. It turns regular graphics into higher or super quality images.
The central processing unit (CPU) is the portion of a computer system that carries out the instructions of a computer program, to perform and controls everything that a computer does, logical, and input/output operations of the system. The CPU plays a role somewhat similar to the brain of a human also known as the brain of the computer. The processor affects the over all computer especially the bandwidth Measured in bits, the bandwidth determines how much information the processor can process in one instruction. Also it can affect the front side bus. the FSB speed limits the rate at which data can get to the CPU, which in turn limits the rate at which the CPU can process that data.
Ram or Random access memory is a chip that process and runs soft ware and programmes and controls how many can be run at one time. It also controls the speed of these programmes the more that are open the slower your computer functions. Ram affects the computer in the way of how many programmes can be open at one time and it controls the speed of these programmes the more ram you have the faster your computer can run programmes such as photo shop one disadvantage is that ram can be very expensive to upgrade.
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