Sunday 30 October 2011

New and Emerging technologies

New and Emerging technologies
I am going to be talking about new and upcoimg technologies then i will be talking about what different companies and their visions for the future. I also will be looking at new technologies that are available for purchase that have just been released. Iwill be looking at the three main technology advancing companies these companies are listed below:
  • Microsoft
  • Apple
  • Google
First of all i will be going into depth with what microsoft have started with. Billgates the founder of microsoft created the first operating system for a computer it was formally known as windows or microsoft windows. The first operating system was a plain blue and have a very good display for the colour and digital graphics in that year which the first operating system was released on november 1985 since then microsoft has made huge investments and has made a number of diffenent operating systems which are getting more and more advanced every two years the newest operating system that has been released from microsoft was windows but in febuary 2012 they plan to release windows 8 just after the christmas sales it has changed dramatically as they have may more advanced technology as they make the whole system smaller yet it does more than the bigger system.

Windows 8 will completly change the whole opeating systems it will have a feature that will alloy the user to touch the monitor and this will be replacing the keyboard and the mouse it will also have sound recognition that will allow the user to say words that will apper in the word and publisher documents but this is still under development it will also recognise the users vides and will be able to record short cuts so wen the user says a specific code word it will open a programme or ewhat ever you have the shortcut linked to. In the future Microsoft have a dream. A dream that will change complety the way that all users are able to use computers there will be no monitors and there will be no power it is all on a small piece of plastic that uses visual and very sensitive touch calibration to user and control a virtual projected computer from 1 up to six display tablets and it is 100% touch screen as seen by the image on the right

This will have a big impact on the way every one uses computers also it will be better for the environment as there will be less emition form the computers and also by changing to the glass or plastic it will save onthe amount of waste materials that are used to make a computer monitor and base. But over all the new futuristic developements that microsoft have installed for us in the future are looking bright and there seems to be no down side to it yet.

Now i will be going into depth with what Apple have started with where they stand now there latest technolgies and what they have in store for us in the future.
Apple was started and founded by a man called steve jobs he started of simple and he started of making operating systems for computers then he move on to bigger ideas his first big hit was the apple Ipod which really grew popular with the larger model which could hold 80gb of space which was later released in 2003 - 2004 and then the i pods have had some major upgrades in looks styles shapes and sizes and also in memory sizes. Below are some examples.

These i pods are all different drafts of the origional which is located above but they all have more and more advanced technology in them even on the ones on the right they ahve even have a camera on it so it can take its own images and videos. How ever The shuffle was the only i pod that had changed dramatically as it had no screen but it was a les popular model as you could not look for the specific song you want because you had to listen through them untill you find it.

Apple has release a number of new products recently and they are all way more advanced than the basic i pod as it has an i pod installed into it one of the lates products that have been released was the New Apple iphone 4s this was the latest piece of technology that was release then steve jobs died this was a tragadie for Apple but they have also released more products aswell like the Apple IPad 2 which is amazing it is completly touch screen and it is just like a portable computer with an ipod attached. Both of these  

newly released technologies are shown on the left and right.
They just show you haw the changes from the basic i pod to what they aheve created now some of the features these include are HD cameras applications Itunes longer batters than ever before and is mainly touch screen. Theay are becoming ever more and more advanced as the years progress. 

In the future i have researched some videos on the internet of some concept ideas that Apple have been looking into the new concepts that are the ilens and the new i ring here is a ling that provides a more illustrated video : but i will also be give an account of what the i lens is and what the i ring is. here are some images that give you an idea of what the new futuristic will look like. The i lens is a device that slots onto your eye more or less it is and computer and an ipad all programmed onto your eye it produces a an adjustable screen that can be set a certain distance away from your eye and it works with interaction holograms. this is just my basic explaination for a more detailed insight wath the link i have provided above. The i lens can work in sync with the ilens and can also provide download storage and it all connects via bluetooth. Both of these ideas will have a major impacts on both the users and other companys aswell as they will be trying to keep up or even beat these companies in there futuristic technologies aswell.

Over view  
I believe that with these new and upcoming technologies that they will help improve the every day life of everyonje they will make certain jobs easier and much more enoyable in the meantime. It will also make the work we do every day easier aswell and i am truly looking foward to the technology in the future and may be being a part of it aswell.    

Tuesday 25 October 2011

Examples of Two Types of Hardware

Examples of Two Types of Hardware

In this blog i will be talking and describing two different types of hardware which can be used to create and edit graphics. There are a lot of hardware components out there that can be used to edit or manipulate images a few examples of these are listed below.
  • Mouse
  • Monitor
  • Digital cameras
  • The Keyboard
  • USB drive
The two main types of hardware i will be looking at will be: The mouse and the Digital camera.

First of all i will be discussing The mouse and how i would use it to manipulate images in digital graphics. The first computer mouse was invented and created by Douglas Engelbart. In 1964, the first prototype computer mouse was made to use with a graphical user interface. It was developed for Microsoft windows. Engelbart received a patent for the wooden shell with two metal wheels and a small single red button on the top it looked like the image below. since then a computer mouses have changed drastically in the way they are used and the way they look and feel in Digital graphics there is many ways that a mouse can be used to manipulate images a few of them are by stretching and distorting also my changing colour levels and hue and saturation and also my drawing lines and dragging them and moving these is near endless amounts of ways to manipulate images with the mouse. However the mouse has some advantages and limitations to what it can and cant do. The advantages of using the mouse is that it is light and very easy to move and it is not uncomfortable to use. The limitations of the mouse is that most mouses are wired and have a limed Lent of wire to use so the range of the mouse is limited.

Now i will be looking at digital cameras i also will be discussing The digital camera who created it what the first camera looked like and how i would use it to manipulate images in digital graphics. The very first digital camera was developed and created by Kodak engineer Steve Sasson December 1975. a camera that would capture images using a CCD imager and it would save the images to a cassette instead of a memory card or CD it took approximately 23 seconds and then could only only viewed by placing the cassette in a custom playback device. The Digital camera has changed drastically over the past few years in many ways a few of these ways are the over all size of the camera the quality of the images images can be captured as clear as looking out through a window and then the over all amount of images can be save to a memory stick the number of images depends on the size of the memory stick and the quality of the image the better the quality the image the bigger in size it will be. In Digital graphics Digital cameras would be used to capture images and then they would be used to transfer the images to the computer via USBs then they would be manipulated using software on the computer. Some cameras have their their own ways of editing images by increasing and decreasing the brightness and contrast and also they can record or capture in a variety of affects including inverted, black and white, sepia and photo negative. The advantages of the digital camera is that you can go and capture a specific image you want and not having to look for it on the Internet that can take much longer. But cameras also have limitations as then cameras quality may vary in different lighting's and this may have some affect on the quality of the images.               

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Examples of Two Types of Software

Examples of Two Types of Software

In this blog i will be talking and describing two different types of software which can be used to create and edit graphics. There are a lot of software packages out there that can be used to edit or manipulate images a few examples of these are listed below.
  • Paint
  • Photoshop
  • Gimp
  • Illustrator
  • Sumopaint
The two main types of software i will be looking at will be: adobe Photoshop and sumopaint

Now i am going to be discussing photoshop. Photoshop was created by adobe in 2003 it was design to meet the requirements of photo manipulation. It has got hundreds of ways to manipulate images from colouring certain parts of the image to warping and distortion and hue and saturation adjusting the is near a limitless end of ways you can edit or change images Photoshop is a very good software package but it is not 100% perfect. Some of the best tools in Photo shop are the Magic wand tool which allos you to pick a certain colour and it will remove all of that colour in that area for example removing a white background from an image. Another tool that photoshop has that no other has is the magnetic lasso tool which automatically dectects that you are trying to cut out an object in an image and then helps you by sticking to the outside of it for you. The advantages of using photoshop are that it comes with instruction and instruction videos to show you how to use it. another advantages is that there so many ways of editing images you will never run out of different ways. However this software package also has its limitations one disadvantage of using this software is that there are so many updates for it and there are also add on packages and to acquire all of these packages would cost up to £30,000. Another disadvantage is that photo shop cannon create vector images.
Here is a link to a video that give you an example of what Photoshop looks like and also give a walkthrought of what photoshop cs5 is like:

Now i am going to be discussing Sumopaint. Sumo paint was created in 2007 and it uses similar characteristics  to adobe photoshop but it uses a different structure and all the icons are different it is relatively easy to use and also has a large number of ways of editing and manipulating images it varies from desaturate to treshholds sump pain is very good image manipulation site as it is very similar to photoshop and it is free but how ever it is not 100 percent perfect its has its flaws as well there are a few tools missing like distortion and the magic wand tool but there is more graphic tools like shapes and shape tools. Sumo paint has got some intresting tools that can really make it stand out like in filters and distort the is a kaleidoscope and this tool changes the whole image and givesit and different appearence and i think it is a brilliant tool. Another toolthet sump paint has is the symmetry tool its is a brilliant little tool that can be used to make nice designs and easy shapes. this software package as some advantages and it has its limitations as well some advantages of sumo paint are that it is free for every one to use another advantage is that you can buy and download the professional package and then you can have the full running program on your computer. Another advantage of sumo paint is it comes wit its very own store where you can buy blank and painted canvases of images that other creators have made. However this software package also has its limitations one disadvantage of using this software is that if you don't have an Internet connection where you live you will not be able to access it and you would have to pay and download the full version somewhere else just to be able to use it. Below is a link to a video that give you an example of what Sumopaint pro looks like and also give a walkthrought of what Sumopaint pro is like:      

Monday 10 October 2011

Hardware Components

Performance of a computer system

Hard Drive
The Hard drive is the storage of the computer it stores all the soft ware and data. It is mainly a data storage device. Data is magnetically read from and written to the platter by read/write heads that float on a film of air above the platters. The hard drive affects the computer in two ways the first way is in which how much info and data your computer can store the bigger it is the more it can store. The second way it affects the computer is that the more information and data it holds it slows your computer down slightly.

Graphics card

The graphics card connects directly in to the mother boards AGP it is used to proved graphics in the area of designing and images these would mainly be used by gamers to improve the 3D graphics of their games. The graphics card affects the computer in one way and this way is in the display. The better graphics card the better quality of the images. It turns regular graphics into higher or super quality images.


The central processing unit (CPU) is the portion of a computer system that carries out the instructions of a computer program, to perform and controls everything that a computer does, logical, and input/output operations of the system. The CPU plays a role somewhat similar to the brain of a human also known as the brain of the computer. The processor affects the over all computer especially the bandwidth Measured in bits, the bandwidth determines how much information the processor can process in one instruction. Also it can affect the front side bus. the FSB speed limits the rate at which data can get to the CPU, which in turn limits the rate at which the CPU can process that data.


Ram or Random access memory is a chip that process and runs soft ware and programmes and controls how many can be run at one time. It also controls the speed of these programmes the more that are open the slower your computer functions. Ram affects the computer in the way of how many programmes can be open at one time and it controls the speed of these programmes the more ram you have the faster your computer can run programmes such as photo shop one disadvantage is that ram can be very expensive to upgrade.

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Hardware components in Digital Graphics

Hardware components in digital graphics

The Mouse

A mouse is a pointing device that functions by detecting two-dimensional motion relative to its supporting surface. Physically, a mouse consists of an object held under one of the user's hands, with one or more buttons. It sometimes features other elements, such as "wheels or scrollers", which allow the user to perform various system-dependent operations, or extra buttons or features that can add more control or dimensional input. The mouse's motion typically translates into the motion of a cursor on a display, which allows for fine control of a graphical user interface. I would use the mouse  to manipulate images by changing their position ,distorting them, changing the colour, resizing ,cropping and cutting them

The Screen/ Monitor

A computer monitor is an electronic device that shows pictures. A monitor is usually used to see programs and data on a computer. It usually displays the soft ware programmes that is stored on the main hard drive. The main difference between a monitor and a television is that a monitor does not have a television tuner to change channels. Some models of monitor can be used as a television, and some televisions are used with computers. A monitor has a better display resolution than a television to make it easier to see smaller letters and graphics on it.
I would use the computer screen/ monitor  to see what I am doing when I am manipulating  to see when I am changing the size or changing the image in anyway.

A Graphics Tablet

A graphics tablet or digitizing tablet, is a computer input device that enables a user to hand-draw images and graphics, similar to the way a person draws images with a pencil and paper. These tablets may also be used to capture data or handwritten signatures. It can also be used to trace an image from a piece of paper which is taped or otherwise secured to the surface. Capturing data in this way, either by tracing or entering the corners of linear poly-lines or shapes is called digitizing.
 I would use a graphics tablet to create and distort different images in digital graphics also I will use it for blending and digitizing images onto the monitor. Here is a like it gives you an example of how you would use a graphics tablet à ß

A Digital camera

A digital camera is a camera that takes video or still photographs, or both, digitally by recording images via an electronic image sensor. A digital camera are available in many different quality ranges which are calculated in mega pixels and some cameras can even record in high definition. It is the main device used in the field of digital photography. Most 21st century cameras are digital. Digital cameras can do things film cameras cannot: displaying images on a screen immediately after they are recorded, storing thousands of images on a single small memory device, and deleting images to free storage space.
With a digital camera I would be able to record videos and take images then I would be able to upload them to the computer also the camera has a capture colour which lets you choose a certain colour type like lack and white negative and sepia.

A Scanner

A scanner is a device that captures images from photographic prints, posters, magazine pages, and similar sources for computer editing and display. Scanners come in hand-held, feed-in, and flatbed types and for scanning black-and-white only, or colour. Very high resolution scanners are used for scanning for high-resolution printing, but lower resolution scanners are adequate for capturing images for computer display.
I would use a scanner as I would draw an image or two and then scan it in and then I would put it on a image editing programme such as Photoshop and then I would edit it.

Flash Cards

A memory card or flash card is an electronic flash memory data storage device used for storing digital information. They are commonly used in many electronic devices, including digital cameras, mobile phones, laptop computers, MP3 players, and video game consoles. They are small, re-recordable, and able to retain data without power.
 I would use the flash card in digital graphics to store images that I will  take with my digital camera and then putting them into software to manipulate them.

A USB Storage Device

A USB flash drive is a data storage device that consists of flash memory with
an integrated Universal Serial Bus (USB) interface. USB flash drives are
typically removable and rewritable, and physically much smaller than a floppy
Disk they can come in a variety of sizes and shapes and they can come in vast
memory sizes ranging from  256 megabytes to 256 gigabytes
I would use a USB storage device in digital graphics by taking in images I have
from home in to the SRC computers so that I can use there software to
manipulate the images.


A laser printer is a common type of computer printer that rapidly produces high quality text and graphics on plain paper. It also stored up to 250 sheet of paper in the A4 storage drawers and it prints very quickly and needs a lot of paper. I would use a printer in digital graphics because any images that I complete in Class or at home I would print them out and show them to the teacher so he/she can mark it and give me some feedback on it.